
UNGA 78 – Nature and People: From Ambition to Action 

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UNGA 78 – High Level Event for Nature and People: From Ambition to Action

Objective: a 3-hour in-person event streamed live, taking place on the week of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly and featuring presentations by world leaders and a live in person panels with government leaders and partners. The MC and speakers were in person at the Westin Grand Central Hotel in Manhattan (NYC), with over 200 VIP guests. The event was in English, with simultaneous interpretation was offered in Spanish and French.

Audience: In person Dignataries, VIPs, Online global audience. The event was streamed to the UN TV, the UNDP event Nature for Life Hub and several ogher channels including the Kolektive Vimeo channel. In Person: 300. Live audience: >3600 unique viewers. On-demand audience: ~12000 unique viewers.

Speakers: C-level executives of NGOs, Representatives of nature conservation communities, World leaders, presidents, and prime ministers of many countries, presented by a Master of Ceremonies (MC).

Agenda: The MC, participated live presenting each speaker, three segments were pre-recorded videos messages, and there were three in person panels and several live speeches.

The End Product: The live motion graphics with opening video, transition videos, and cards, was created by the Kolektive design team. The Kolektive team reviewed all pre-recorded videos, edited a few, and subtitled some. For this streamed in person event, we scouted the venues and managed the event production vendors, decorated the physical stage with backdrop video, panels, had a camera director, 3 cameramen and 2 audio technician, and a supervisor on location.

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