The Rise of AI in Virtual and Hybrid Events

The Rise of AI in Virtual and Hybrid Events

AI could deserve a lot of recognition in marketing and producing events. So, why or how should you use it for your event? Here are some of the uses of AI in events: Customer Service - Machine learning technology, one of the current forms of AI, enables bots to observe and learn behavioral patterns and act as virtual caretakers for individuals. In virtual events, where...

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9 Events you can Rely on for B2B Marketing

9 Events you can Rely on for B2B Marketing

Marketing to B2B customers using any number of the traditional techniques from ABM to inbound marketing, has recently been elevated with the use of online and hybrid events. There are several types of events that can be relied on for marketing at a B2B company, here is a list: Trade Shows and Conferences: Officially attending trade shows and conferences can provide...

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Online Virtual Event as a Digital Strategy

Online Virtual Event as a Digital Strategy

As more and more companies shift resources to virtual events these past years, we have helped many companies plan and produce better virtual events for their business. We have been directly involved in all aspects of successful virtual events, from planning to marketing, production, and data analytics. We hope this will help you break through the mountain of information out...

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Why Virtual Events? Marketers Are Loving It!

Why Virtual Events? Marketers Are Loving It!

Why Virtual Events? Marketing has changed a lot recently. Today, virtual events are the number one radar event for marketers, according to a new report from the Association of Event Marketing Professionals. Virtual events are breaking attendance records, and people are only getting better at what they do. This past spring, more than 120,000 people visited the virtual summit...

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Top Best Practices for Hybrid Event Production

Top Best Practices for Hybrid Event Production

Like in-person and virtual events, hybrid events have their own set of guidelines and best practices. To provide attendees with what they want from hybrid events, you still need to plan, attract audiences, and build your engagement, but in a different way. Hybrid events can be mixed or composite, where composite is when the in-person part of the event experience is separate...

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